Recommended Readings • Future of Global Value Chain Governance Conference
This list contains papers, reports and blog posts written or recommended by the day’s speakers and panellists, and covers a wide range of Just Transition and governance topics. Most are just recently published, and represent cutting-edge developments in value chain governance thinking.
We hope participants may find these resources useful as a reference tool to follow up on ideas discussed during the even.
We have highlighted the names of authors presenting during the conference for ease of reference.
Wiranta Ginting, Asia Floor Wage Alliance

Asia Floor Wage Alliance. 2023. Towards a Woman-Centred Living Wage Beyond Borders. The Asia Floor Wage Alliance’s Methodology for Garment Workers. (Recommended by Wiranta Ginting.)

Asia Floor Wage Alliance. 2021. Joint Employer Legal Liability Strategy: Holding Global Apparel Brands Legally Liable for Labour Rights Violations in their Supply Chains in Asia.(Recommended by Wiranta Ginting.)

Bon, A., Dittoh, F., Lô, G., Pini, M., Bwana, R. M., Cheah, W., Kulathuramaiyer, N. & Baart, A. 2022. Decolonizing Technology and Society: A Perspective from the Global South. In: Werthner, H., Prem, E., Lee, E.A., Ghezzi, C. (eds) Perspectives on Digital Humanism. Springer, Cham

Bureau of International Labor Affairs, US Department of Labor. 2023. Presidential Memorandum on Advancing Worker Empowerment, Rights, and High Labor Standards Globally. (Recommended by Caitlin Helfrich)

Bwana, R. M., Baart, A., de Boer, V., Lenfant, F., Morisho, N., Westermann-Behaylo, M., & Worring, M. 2020. Developing a crowdsourcing application for responsible production in Africa. In Companion Publication of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science (pp. 48-53).

Cesar de Oliveira, S.E.M., Nakagawa, L., Russo Lopes, G., Visentin, J.C., Couto, Silva, D.E., d’Albertas, F., Pavani, B.F., Loyola, R., West, C., 2024. The European Union and United Kingdom’s deforestation-free supply chains regulations: Implications for Brazil. Ecological Economics 217, 108053.

Curley, M., Lally, A, 2024. Global Garment Workers Count: Estimating the Size & Composition of the Global Garment Workforce, Building Blocks for Governing Global Value Chains. Katalyst Initiative, Amsterdam.

Curley, M., Lally, A., Fransen, L., Caja, J., Linsi, L., 2023. Trade Realities: Using Trade Data to Strengthen the Design of Supply Chain Governance. Building Blocks for Governing Global Value Chains.. Katalyst Initiative, Amsterdam.

Curley, M., Lally, A. 2022. Sizing Up the Garment Industry: Large Brands, Supply Chain Labour Market Share, and Lessons for Governance Design. Katalyst Initiative, Amsterdam

dos Reis, T. N., de Faria, V. G., Russo Lopes, G., Sparovek, G., West, C., Rajao, R., Ferreira, M., Elivra M., & do Valle, R. S. 2021. Trading deforestation—why the legality of forest-risk commodities is insufficient. Environmental Research Letters, 16(12), 124025. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac358d.

Eller, K. ‘Is “Global Value Chain” a Legal Concept?’, European Review of Contract Law 16 (2020), 3-24

Fransen, L., Curley, M., Lally, A., 2024. Advancing sustainability through supply chain legislation? A policy trilemma. Environmental Science: Advances. 10.1039.D4VA00048J.

Ginting, W., Saxby, A., 2024. From Due Diligence to Global Justice: How supply chain regulations in the Global North can be a tool to build the labour movement everywhere. Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung.

Judd, J., Bauer, A., Kuruvilla, S., Williams, S., 2023. Higher Ground? Report 1: Fashion’s Climate Breakdown and its Effect for Workers and Report 2: Climate Resilience and Fashion’s Costs of Adaptation. ILR Global Labor Institute & Schroders.

Jha, M., Campos, S.L., Verghese, A.S., Cerri, K., Mexi, M., 2024. Trade and Labour: Rethinking Policy Tools for Better Labour Outcomes. World Economic Forum, Geneva.

Kuruvilla, S., Judd, J., 2024. Measuring Supply Chain Due Diligence: Labor Outcomes Metrics. ILR Global Labor Institute.

Parsons, L, Mishra, P, Cole, J, Sim, JDW, and Long, LV. 2024. Oppressive Heat: Heat Stress in the Cambodian Workplace. Solidarity Center & Royal Holloway, University of London. (Recommended by Sonia Mistry.)

Polaski, S. 2023. USMCA and the Rapid Response Labor Mechanism: A new approach to cross-border governance of labor rights Available at SSRN.

Polaski, S. 2022. The strategy and politics of linking trade and labor standards: An overview of issues and approaches, in: Elliott, K. (Ed.), Handbook on Globalisation and Labour Standards. Elgar, London.

Russo Lopes, G., & Bastos Lima, M. G. 2022. Understanding deforestation lock-in: Insights from Land Reform settlements in the Brazilian Amazon. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, 951290.

Salminen, J & Rajavuori, M. Transnational sustainability laws and the regulation of global value chains: comparison and a framework for analysis, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 26 (2019), 602–627 (Recommended by Klaas Eller)

Salminen, J, Rajavuori M & Eller,KH ‘Global Value Chains as Regulatory Proxy: Transnationalising the Internal Market Through EU Law’, in A. Beckers et al. (eds), The Foundations of European Transnational Private Law (Oxford: Hart, 2024), 367-397

Terwindt, C., 2024. Severance Guarantee Fund Agreement: Guidance for Governments. Clean Clothes Campaign. (Discussed by Lilianne Ploumen)

US Congress. House Committee on Oversight, Investigations, & Accountability. 2024. Exploitation and Enforcement Part II: Improving Enforcement in Countering Uyghur Forced Labor (Recommended by Caitlin Helfrich)

The White House. 2023. Memorandum on Advancing Worker Empowerment, Rights, and High Labor Standards Globally. (Recommended by Caitlin Helfrich.)