25-27 November
UN Forum on Business & Human Rights Marketplace - Geneva
Katalyst will be participating in the ‘Marketplace’ at the UN Forum on Business & Human Rights in Geneva this year. We’ll be sharing our recent research, and making it easy for Forum participants to access Katalyst materials. Please stop by to discuss any questions you might have or just to say hello!

7-8 November, 2024
BWI Building and Wood Workers International 'Global Climate Justice Summit' - Geneva
Katalyst joins more than 100 trade union leaders and allies at BWI – Building and Wood Workers International – Global Climate Justice Summit titled “Building a Just and Equitable Future.” It will be the first-ever climate justice summit led by construction, building materials, wood and forestry workers.
The Future of Global Value Chain Governance conference in Amsterdam was organised by Katalyst Initiative with the support of partners The University of Amsterdam Responsible Business Conduct Lab, and Cornell University ILR Global Labor Institute.
A global group of experts from trade unions, environmental and labour NGOs, government policymaking bodies, and academia came together to start laying the groundwork for the next generation of value chain regulation for a Just Transition.
Visit the conference highlights page >>>
8-12 April, 2024
Technologies of Sustainability Due Diligence: Digital tools and global value chain regulations
Katalyst will be presenting as part of the 2024 Asser Institute Spring Academy.
The academy will gather leading academic thinkers and cutting-edge technological entrepreneurs to equip our participants with the necessary theoretical and practical skills to navigate and critically engage with the growing practical role of digital technologies in the implementation of the due diligence process and the regulation of global value chains.
Concretely, the training will blend theory and practice through a combination of lectures delivered by academics and workshops with practitioners aimed at explaining the function and functioning of specific technological solutions in the context of the due diligence process.
Scholarships available for PhD researchers and MA students

Presentation Title: Supporting SDG Decent Work Targets through Context-Specific Supply Chain Governance
In this talk, we explore how our recent research points to a need to tailor new laws, collective bargaining systems and treaties to the varying power and financial flows in different industries, in order to achive decent work at scale.
See more at the Conference Website. The event is open for in-person participation at the University of Trento.

14 April, 2023
Governing Today’s Garment Industry: Key Challenges and Opportunities for Policy-MakersApril
Katalyst is pleased to be participating in the ‘Rebalance Democracy and Capitalism‘ series of talks hosted by the University of Pisa.
In this talk, we explore how Katalyst’s research into some critical but poorly-documented aspects of the garment industry’s structure can help policymakers design better legislation, treaties, and forms of collective bargaining designed for 21st century supply chains.
Watch the recording here

14 February 2023 • 16:00-17:15 CET
Case studies in how climate change will impact garment production; and policy options for designing effective HRDD laws and systems to support a Just Transition in response.
Online Side Session • 2023 OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector
This official online side session to the OECD Forum 2023 brings together the lessons of two new research studies:
Trade Realities is Katalyst Initiative’s new study detailing how trade flows are likely to impact the effectiveness of supply chain governance efforts like HRDD, now and into the future.
Cornell University Global Labour Institute’s forthcoming Higher Ground paper presents original projections of impacts for workers, suppliers and national economies of climate breakdown in four case study production zones in Asia.
Taken together, these studies help to embed discussions of HRDD for a just transition in the realities of possible outcomes for workers, factories, and national economies in light of climate change, particularly extreme heat and flooding. The session will:
• Help to build a foundation for the economic, policy and behavioural changes that will be needed in the coming years.
• Examine the possible impacts and possible limitations of mandatory HRDD strategies being developed in consumer economies such as the EU or US.
• Consider what modifications need to be made to these strategies in order to achieve the goal of a Just Transition for today’s garment workers, and for tomorrow’s.

15-16 September 2022
Enforceable Brand Agreements: What role in the Future of Transnational Governance and In Ongoing Labour Campaigns?
St. Gallen University
Institute for Business Ethics
Competence Center for African Research
Katalyst joins an international mix of researchers and practitioners to explore the possibilities of Enforceable Brand Agreements in helping to fill governance gaps in global supply chains.